Sustainable Environment

UVB adheres to the Founding purpose of “the way of great learning consists in manifesting one's bright virtue, consists in loving the people, consists in stopping in perfect goodness”, while pursuing corporate growth, we care about the environment and the community neighborhood environment. The daily operations of Headquarters and stores follow the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): “SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities,”“SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production,” “SDG 13: Climate Action,” “SDG 14: Life Below Water,” “SDG 15: Life on Land” to reduce the impact of company operations on land, air, water and ecology.

UVB has no manufacturing and production activities, nor is it an energy-intensive and major energy-consuming industry. It is not a source of greenhouse gas emissions that should be reported and registered by Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (Taiwan). Therefore, it is not directly affected by climate change related regulations such as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Law. Standardize the risks to be undertaken.

Although UVB is not an energy-intensive and major energy-consuming industry, the risk of being subject to climate change-related laws and regulations is relatively low. However, climate change has become a global challenge, and it is imperative to mitigate the impact of climate change. UVB will continue to pay attention to changes in relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations, actively handle greenhouse gas inventory, emission control, and implement energy-saving and carbon-reduction policies, so as to fulfill the company's responsibilities and obligations in environmental protection.

Energy Management

Oneness Biotech highly values on the issues of climate change, energy management, and environmental protection. With a view to improving energy efficiency, and controlling and reducing GHS emissions, the Company employs energy saving and carbon reduction measures. According to the statistics of electricity consumption from 2020 to 2021 follows below:

Power ConsumptionHeadquarters-NankangBranches and StoresTotal (kWh)
Note: The above statistics are only for the parent company.

The total energy consumption and Energy Intensity for the headquarters and branches is as follows:

Continuously improve the lamps and air conditioners used in all stores, adopt energy-saving LED lamps and inverter air-conditioning equipment, and actively educate company personnel to develop behaviors that are more friendly to the environment.
In the future, the Company plans to promote "green purchasing" and give priority to the purchase of products with green labels (environmental label, energy saving label, water saving label, carbon footprint label, etc.).

Offices are required to turn off the lights during lunch breaks and turn off the lights and air-conditioners after getting off work.
Enforcing the energy conservation advocacy and all members engage in energy-saving activities to reduce unnecessary energy waste.
Energy-saving lamps and energy-saving equipment are adopted in the main passage areas while lighting is turned off in areas not in operation.

SDGs 11:Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDGs 13:Climate Action

Investment in energy-saving equipment

In recent years, UVB has been consistently promoting “green procurement,” giving priority to the procurement of products with various green certifications, including eco-labels, energy efficiency labels, water-saving labels, and carbon footprint labels.

Every year, UVB invests in energy-saving equipment, and all models of Fujitsu inverter air conditioners used meet the requirements of the “Product Verification and Registration Certificate” issued by the Taiwan Electric Research & Testing Center and the “Fujitsu VRF High-Power Testing Report,” complying with the standards set by the Ministry of Economic Affairs for manufacturers and equipment in terms of product safety and energy efficiency. The calculation is based on the following conditions: every 10 square meters of space, an annual air conditioning operating hours of 2,486 hours, a cost of 2.57 NT dollars per kWh, and an emission of 0.554 kg of CO2 per kWh. The energy-saving efficiency of Fujitsu VRF equipment per 10 square meters is as follows:
◆ Annual energy savings (KWH) (compared to non-certified models): 548~716
◆ Annual cost savings (NT dollars) (compared to non-certified models): 1408.36~1840.12
◆ Reduction in carbon dioxide emissions (kg) (compared to non-certified models): 303.59~396.66

In 2022, the total investment in energy-saving equipment amounted to NT$29,785,000. This investment has resulted in a year-on-year reduction in total electricity consumption and energy intensity from 2020 to 2022. The following figures represent the investment in energy-saving equipment over the past three years.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Climate anomalies caused by greenhouse gas emissions are the most challenging issues that the entire world is now facing. The Scope 1 of greenhouse gas emission of UVB is the number of liters of official vehicles refueling, the Scope 2 of greenhouse gas emission is the amount of electricity consumed by Taipower Company. UVB’s greenhouse gas emissions are self-management to calculate independently in order to understand the current situation and trends to allow early response.

From 2020 to 2022, the boundary of electricity consumption includes the Headquarters office- Nangang, Benches and stores. The electricity consumption is based on the carbon emission coefficient of electricity announced by Taipower Corporation and the carbon emission coefficient of fuel oil announced by the Environmental Protection Agency. The total emissions are converted as follows:

Scope 1 + Scope 2Ton/CO2e459.46422.20399.15
GHG Emission IntensityTon/CO2e÷ million turnover0.2830.2140.150
Net Turnover (parent company)Thousand NTD1,624,7571,969,6462,664,174
The above statistics are only for the parent company.
Scope 1: refer the Taiwan Ministry of Environment's Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Management Table version 6.0.4, the diesel emission factor is 2.6060KgCO2/L, and the gasoline emission factor is 2.2631KgCO2/L.
Scope 2: refer the Taiwan Energy Administration’s the electricity emission factor for 2020 was 0.502 KgCO2/kWh, for 2021 it was 0.509 KgCO2/kWh, and for 2022 was 0.495 KgCO2/kWh.
Policies for Climate Change or Greenhouse Gas Management

The greenhouse gas emissions of UVB are mainly indirect emissions, and the emission sources mainly come from the electricity required for air conditioning, equipment and lighting. The impact of climate change on the global environment is becoming more and more significant. UVB complies with the requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations, continues to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction measures, maintains sustainable operations, and fulfills its corporate responsibilities.

  • 1. Promote and implement energy saving and carbon reduction measures, and communicate policies to employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
  • 2. Strengthen publicity and encourage all employees to develop the habit of saving energy and resources.
  • 3. Turn off lighting equipment in unmanned areas in a timely manner, and turn off lights in office areas during lunch breaks to save energy.
  • 4. Establish an electronic form system to reduce paper usage.
  • 5. Promote the sharing of official vehicles, reduce the number of vehicle attendance and reduce fuel consumption.
  • 6. Establish a greenhouse gas emission inventory, conduct regular inspections, and manage and control emissions.

Water Resources Management

UVB attaches great importance to water resource management. However, the company is not a manufacturing industry, there is no sewage discharge from the production process or laboratory. The water consumption of the Headquarters of Nangang office, branches and stores were relatively small, and there is no major ecological impact on the water resources.

2018~Water consumption from 2020 to 2022 as described below:
Water consumptionmetric Tons4,7553,5724,705
Water consumption Intensitymetric Tons ÷ million turnover2.931.791.77
Net turnover (parent company)NT dollar1,624,7571,969,6462,664,174
Note: The above statistics are only for the parent company.Sustainable Benefits
SDGs 14: Life Below Water
SDGs 15: Life on Land

Quantitative management goals for greenhouse gas reduction and water reduction

Starting from the base year 2020, UVB has set quantitative management objectives for a 5% annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption for 2021 and 2022.

Waste Management

UVB is committed to the sustainable operation of the enterprise, and continuously strives to reduce the possible impact of waste on the environment. Through various voluntary actions, it avoids excessive packaging of products and jointly implements the responsibility of being environmentally friendly.

UVB advocates convenient and paperless services such as online trading platforms and electronic payment to effectively reduce the energy consumption of customers' round-trip transportation and the use of paper. Fulfill corporate social responsibility.

  • 1. Save paper
    (1)Electronic document forms and processes reduce the use of paper and toner.
    (2)Complete utilization of paper: use 70P photocopying paper, promote double-sided printing; set up a waste paper recycling box to facilitate the reuse of the reverse side of the paper.
  • 2. Waste Statistics
    UVB has no manufacturing and production activities. The general waste in the headquarters office and branch stores is under the overall management of the building management committee, which cannot be calculated effectively, so the total weight of waste cannot be provided.
Sustainable Benefits
SDGs 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDGs 15: Life on Land